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Module 8 Larval Source Reduction

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Integrated Mosquito Management
Paul Bauman, M.S. |  Roger Wolfe
Course Levels:
All Levels
24 minutes
Audio and Video
Never Expires.


Welcome to Module 8 Larval Source Reduction of the AMCA Best Practices for Integrated Mosquito Management Virtual Training Program. This training program will provide you with the knowledge needed to understand and conduct Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM); including topics such as mosquito biology and the five main components of IMM: community engagement, collecting and using data, reducing potential larval habitat, using all control methods available and reasonable, and regularly evaluating the efficacy of the program.

Specifically, this module will cover:

  • Reducing water sources from the environment single most effective means of control
  • Small scale sources vs large scale sources
  • Habitat surveillance may require creative thinking or accessing free electronic tools
  • Eliminating manmade and natural container habitats
  • Projects designed to eliminate large scale breeding sources

If you are interested in completing the AMCA Best Practices for Integrated Mosquito Management Virtual Training Program Certificate, you MUST do this module within the overall program. If you have not come to this page from the program please subscribe to the program prior to beginning this module, please click here to begin

Recommended reading for this module:

Additional Resources

  1. Web Soil Survey-
  2. US Topo: Maps for America-
  3. National Hydrography-
  4. Esri Land Cover Data-
  5. FEMA Flood Maps-


Paul Bauman, M.S. Related Seminars and Products

Paul Bauman holds a M.S. in Biology from Bowling Green State University and is a Biologist and the General Manager for the Toledo Area Sanitary District in Toledo, Ohio. He has worked in public health for over twenty years and views mosquito control as an integral part of protecting the public health of our community. Bauman is the current Treasurer and a Past-President of the Ohio Mosquito & Vector Control Association. He is also a member of the AMCA, previously serving on the Science & Technology Committee and currently serving on the Legislative & Regulatory committee with a focus on the Endangered Species Act/Pollinators subcommittee and the Clean Water Act subcommittee. The Toledo Area Sanitary District is a Sustaining Member of the AMCA and an individual partner in the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program. 

Roger Wolfe Related Seminars and Products

Roger Wolfe is currently the Wetland Restoration Biologist and Coordinator for the Wetland Habitat and Mosquito Management (WHAMM) Program, Connecticut Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection, Bureau of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division. He has worked 37 years in mosquito control and coastal wetland management and restoration throughout New England and the mid-Atlantic. His career has focused on developing and promoting Integrated Marsh Management (IMM) which incorporates wetland restoration, wildlife habitat enhancement, mosquito control, invasive plant management, and coastal resiliency. He is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist, and former Certified Wildlife Biologist. He has been a member of the New Jersey and American Mosquito Control Associations and is a member and past-President of both the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Associations, and a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists.

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