Christopher Bibbs
Christopher Bibbs is a public health entomologist with the Anastasia Mosquito Control District. He is pursuing his PhD in vector toxicology, with emphasis on volatile pyrethroids. While with the AMCD, Chris has focused on insecticide resistance management, pesticide efficacy, and integrated mosquito management strategies in operations. This has co-occurred with being a public school educator and public information officer, representing the AMCD through various media and curricula. Prior to being with AMCD, he was a medical entomologist and subject matter specialist at the Arizona Pest Management Center working on venomous arthropods, kissing bugs, bed bugs, widow spiders, ticks, and mosquitoes. Chris is currently a member of the CDC Southeastern Regional Center of Excellence and is a CDC/AMCA joint certified master trainer in the best management practices of container inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes.